تحميل كتاب POETRY NOTES PDF - المؤلف مجهول

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كتاب POETRY NOTES لـ المؤلف مجهول


الكاتب المؤلف مجهول

كتاب POETRY NOTES لـ المؤلف مجهول
القسم : الأدب المترجم
الفئة : شعر مترجم
لغة الملف : العربية
عدد الصفحات : 0
سنة النشر : غير معروف
حجم الكتاب : 0.0 ميجا بايت
نوع الملف : PDF

قيِّم هذا الكتاب

تحميل كتاب POETRY NOTES pdf 2016م - 1443هـ 1. POETRY 2. Poetry Vocabulary 1. line - a group of words together on one line of the poem 2. stanza - a group of lines arranged together; “poem paragraphs” 3. free verse (n): poetry without regular patterns of rhyme or rhythm 4. Rhyme - Words sound alike because they share the same ending vowel and consonant sounds. 5. rhyme scheme (n): the pattern of end rhyme in a poem 6. onomatopoeia (n): the use of words whose sounds suggests their meaning Ex: Buzz, Bam, Zip, Bang 3. 7. alliteration (n): repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words Ex: Peter Piper picked a pair of pickled peppers 8. lyric poem - A short poem that is usually written in first person point of view and expresses an emotion; often musical 9. haiku (n): a traditional form of Japanese poetry that has three lines: line one: five syllables each line two: seven syllables each line three: five syllables each 10. narrative poems - A poem that tells a story. 11. Concrete poems - a poem in which the words are arranged to create a picture that relates to the content of the poem. 4. 12. Simile – a comparison of two things using the words “like” or “as” Ex: The boy eats like a pig 13. Metaphor – a comparison of two things Ex: The boy is a pig. 14. hyperbole - Exaggeration often used for emphasis. Ex: The roller coast was going so fast that it blew my face off! 15. Idiom - An expression where the literal meaning of the words is not the meaning of the expression. Ex: It’s raining cats and dogs 16. Personification - An animal given human-like qualities or an object given life-like qualities Ex: The tree danced in the wind. 5. POETRY  A type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas) 6. POINT OF VIEW IN POETRY POET 4 The poet is the author of the poem. SPEAKER 4 The speaker of the poem is the “narrator” of the poem. 7. POETRY FORM 4 FORM - the appearance of the words on the page 4 1. LINE - a group of words together on one line of the poem 4 2. STANZA - a group of lines arranged together “poem paragraphs” A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just Begins to live That day. 8. SOUND EFFECTS 9. RHYTHM 4 The beat created by the sounds of the words in a poem 4 Rhythm can be created by meter, rhyme, alliteration and refrain. 10. 3. FREE VERSE POETRY 4 Unlike metered poetry, free verse poetry does NOT have any repeating patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. 4 Does NOT have rhyme. 4 Free verse poetry is very conversational - sounds like someone talking with you. 4 A more modern type of poetry. 11. 4. RHYME 4 Words sound alike because they share the same ending vowel and consonant sounds. 4 (A word always rhymes with itself.) LAMP STAMP á Share the short “a” vowel sound á Share the combined “mp” consonant sound 12. END RHYME 4 A word at the end of one line rhymes with a word at the end of another line Hector the Collector Collected bits of string. Collected dolls with broken heads And rusty bells that would not ring .

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